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The Secret Heir (Alinthia Series Book 2) Page 19
The Secret Heir (Alinthia Series Book 2) Read online
Page 19
I give Beck a chaste kiss good night, and he kisses me back tenderly, but nothing can wipe away the awful sense of dread I feel.
I wake up on Saturday morning feeling like a massive thundercloud is hanging over my head. I can’t shake the notion that something awful is waiting in the wings. Beck drops me off at Kylie’s house after breakfast, staying outside in the car to keep watch with his nose buried in his tablet as he scours Google for any additional information.
“Hey, Tori,” Daniel—Kylie’s brother—greets me at the front door, stepping aside to let me in. “She’s on the phone in her room, but she’ll be down to you shortly.” He walks into their large, bright kitchen, moving to the refrigerator. “Can I get you a drink or something to eat?”
“Nah, I’m good.” I slide onto one of the high stools, propping my elbows on the marble countertop. “I just had breakfast.”
“Is that your new boyfriend outside?” he asks, peering out the window.
“His brother. Coop’s ah, away, at the moment.”
“So who’s taking you to the dance?” He leans back against the sink, studying me with those sharp green eyes of his.
“I’m not even sure if I’m going anymore.”
“Do me a favor and let me know before you drop that bomb on my sister. I’d like to have enough time to avoid that train wreck.”
I groan. He’s so right. Kylie will flip if I bail on tonight, but I couldn’t give two shits about the dance right now. I’ve way more urgent concerns.
“Are you going?” There is only ten months of a gap between Daniel and Kylie, and he’s a senior too.
“I was planning on dropping in for a little while.”
“Well, maybe you can help her chill out if I don’t make it.”
He snorts. “Fat chance. In case you hadn’t noticed, Kylie doesn’t listen to anything I say.”
“I don’t think that’s true. Kylie might tease you, but I know she looks up to you.”
He shrugs nonchalantly, but judging by the way his mouth pulls into a small smile, I’d say he’s pleased by my comment. “How’s the book coming along?” he asks. I’d forgotten that was the lie I told him when I was trying to subtly quiz him on some alien stuff. He tilts his head to the side, and his shoulder-length jet-black hair brushes his shoulders.
Kylie and Daniel look absolutely nothing alike, and if you put them in a lineup and asked a stranger to pick out the siblings, there isn’t a rat’s chance in hell they’d choose correctly. Kylie is blonde and petite, and Daniel is dark and massive, like six-foot-five-and-the-rest tall. He couldn’t care less about his appearance, where Kylie is always immaculately turned out. “Tori?” He clicks his fingers and I snap out of it.
“Uh, um, not great, to be honest. I haven’t made much progress.”
“Well, if you need any help, let me know.” I stare at him. Daniel is obsessed with alien conspiracy theories, and he has contacts all over the world. Is it possible he might know something about the symbol? If it is alien-related, and I’m wondering now if it is at all, there could be a possibility he’s come across it before. I tuck that idea in the recesses of my mind to discuss with Beck later.
“Thanks. I might take you up on that.”
“Take him up on what?” Kylie asks, entering the room.
“Help with my book research.”
“Oh, yeah. That might be a good idea,” she says, distractedly. Staring off into space, she’s as pale as a ghost.
Something is clearly up. “Is everything okay?” I spin around on my stool.
“Who was on the phone?” Daniel drills her with a strange look.
She averts her eyes. “Uh, Hunter. We were just making plans for tonight.”
I flick my gaze to Daniel. “Now might be a good time.”
His eyes pop wide in realization, and he sprints toward the door. “I’m so outta here.” He waggles his eyebrows at me. “Catch ya later, Tori.”
“He is such a weirdo.” Kylie shakes her head, pouring two glasses of orange juice and handing me one.
“I think your brother’s cool,” I admit. “And probably one of the least weird people I know.” Learning I’m an alien, heir to an old dynasty, and supposed savior of the world has a way of putting a lot of things into perspective.
“I’m not sure I’m going to be going tonight, Kylie.” I just put it out there, no point in sugarcoating it.
“What!” she shrieks. “You have to come! What’s going on?”
I proceed to update her on the latest, and her frown grows deeper and deeper the further into the story I get. “Okay, now that is some weird shit right there,” she admits, once I’ve finished.
“Told ya.”
“Crap, Tori. Things just seem to be going from bad to worse.” She bites down on her lip. “Maybe you should leave Earth. Go somewhere safer.”
“The thought has crossed my mind, but I can’t leave Mom, not so soon after Dad.” I hang my head as the usual pang of grief assaults me.
Kylie hugs me fiercely. “I know the timing is shit, but if anything happens to you, your mom will be devastated. And you know I’d check in on her. I seriously think you should consider it.”
“Anyone would think you want to get rid of me,” I half-joke.
She presses her mouth to my ear. “I would miss you terribly, but I’m scared for you, Tori. Promise me you’ll think about it. Talk to the guys. Just promise me,” she whispers, clasping my hands in hers.
I examine her face, noting the hint of tears in her eyes and reading her transparent fear, but I can’t shake this funny feeling I have.
I can’t help wondering if she’s afraid for me or herself.
Beck and I return to our house, but no one else is home. Beck checks in with Dane and updates me. “They haven’t found Coop yet, and they’re checking in with the asset to see if he’s spotted anything unusual around town. They’ll be back in a while.”
“Okay. I think I’m going to hit the gym. Fancy joining me?”
“I’ve some stuff I want to delve into, but I’ll drop over later.” He shuffles anxiously on his feet before leaning in and kissing me sweetly. He moves to pull back, but I circle my arms around his neck, clinging to him. The connection has been antsy the past few days—it seems to pick up on any undue strain in our relationship—and I’m feeling very unsettled. Hugging Beck, feeling close to him, helps soothe the frayed edges of my nerves. He enfolds his arms around my waist, slowly holding me tighter.
I bury my head in his neck, sighing. “Why does it feel like everything’s turning to crap?”
“Things are pretty tense right now, but everything will be all right once we stick together.” He runs a hand over my hair, and we stay like that for ages, just hugging and clinging to one another, and when we part, I’m not as strung out as I was. “Thank you. I needed that.” I peck his lips briefly.
He clasps the nape of my neck, smiling at me. “Would you believe me if I said I did too?”
I rest my hands on his shoulders. “Sure, everyone needs a good hug every now and then.”
His cheeks flush a little. “And I … I like sleeping beside you. It’s nice to wake up having you in my arms.”
I kiss him again, with more urgency this time, and he kisses me back harder, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. His lips are like velvet moving against mine, and an almost insurmountable urge to immerse myself in Beck accosts me. I’m hugely tempted to shake off the auspices of dread and to just feel with my sweet, shy boy. We’re pressed against one another in all the right places, and I can tell he’s as horny as me. If I suggested it, I think he’d probably go for it.
“I think this must be a form of punishment,” a resigned voice says from behind us, and I shriek into Beck’s mouth, jerking back. “Because every time I find you these days, you are smooching one of my brothers,” Coop adds.
“Thank God.” I turn around and fling myself at Cooper, too grateful he’s home safe and sound to yell at him
for running off in the first place. He snakes his arms around my waist, nuzzling into my neck. I trace a hand up and down his back. “I was so worried.”
He exhales, and we part. “I’m sorry I worried you.”
I hold his face in my hands, inspecting every part of him. Purple shadows darken the skin under his bloodshot eyes, and his hair looks greasy, as if he’s been dragging his fingers repeatedly through the blond strands. The stubble on his jawline tickles the palms of my hands. “You look like shit. Where were you?”
Pressing his forehead to mine, he closes his eyes, and a surge of emotion floods the connection. His uncertainty, fear, and regret hit me like a slap in the face.
“Coop, I didn’t cheat on you with Jensen. I would never do that to you, to any of you.”
“I know.” He huffs out an exasperated sigh before opening his eyes and straightening up. “I’m afraid you’re going to be really upset with me.” The vulnerability and sorrow in his gaze pierces me like a dagger to the heart. He looks over my head. “Brother, would you mind if I talked to Alinthia alone?”
I turn around as Beck shakes his head. “Of course not.” He claps a hand on Coop’s shoulder. “I’m glad you’re back and listening to reason. You know how much I hate it when you take off like that.”
Coop’s shoulders slouch. “I know, and I’m sorry. I was an idiot. I am an idiot.”
“Nah, you just feel things intensely. I know we don’t talk about our feelings much, but you should confide in Alinthia. At least let her be there for you.” He slaps Coop one more time before withdrawing his hand. “It’s too risky for us to be apart right now.”
“You’re preaching to the choir, bruh. I promise I won’t do it again.”
Beck lightly caresses my cheek. “If you still want to train later, let me know. I’ll be in my den.” He wiggles his fingers before vanishing.
“Come here, please.” Coop opens his arms, and I nestle into his chest, closing my eyes.
A second later we’re in my room. I kick off my sneakers and sit down on the couch, patting the space beside me. “Get over here now. I missed your ugly face.” That doesn’t even raise a grin, and now I’m gravely concerned. He walks toward the couch like a man walking to his death. “I don’t know how to explain it, but—”
He places one finger against my mouth, silencing me. “Don’t. You don’t need to explain or apologize. You haven’t done anything wrong.”
“The others explained it to you?” I take his hands in mine.
He shakes his head. “I didn’t give them the chance. I blocked them out and spent the night drowning my sorrows.” That explains the smell of alcohol surrounding him. “And then I had an aha moment, and I knew what happened.” He pins me with anguished eyes. “I came straight here.”
He slides off the couch, dropping onto his knees in front of me. “How can you ever forgive me?”
I don’t have all the answers yet, but I’ve a fair idea how this happened. I’m furious and upset, but I’m bottling those feelings up to release on the real guilty party. Coop doesn’t deserve to be on the receiving end, and I’m determined to make this as easy as possible for him, even if he was quick to doubt me, but I know that was hurt speaking. “Coop. Someone is manipulating things, and that’s not your fault.”
“But it is, beautiful. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. I was in a fucking jealous rage after finding you and Maddox in the field, and I wasn’t thinking straight. A part of me hoped you would follow, even when I told you I wanted to be alone, so when you … she … appeared, I didn’t question it.”
“And she looked exactly like me?”
He nods. “She was even wearing the same sweats and tank as you had on.”
I’ve been mulling this over since yesterday, and I’ve come to the conclusion that someone was impersonating me. Dane told me before that several species have the ability to shape shift so it’s not impossible that someone could appear as me. The thought gives me a major case of the heebie-jeebies. The idea that someone is sauntering around town pretending to be me sickens, disgusts, and enrages me. “I think I saw her, in the trees. It was only a blur and it didn’t register at the time, but if I’m correct, she would’ve seen me and known what I was wearing.”
“If I wasn’t so angry and jealous and hellbent on proving you wanted me as much as Maddox, I would have noticed it straightaway.”
I pull him back up to the couch, frowning. “I’m not following.”
A pained expression appears on his face. “I didn’t feel the connection tingle in the way it usually does in your presence. There was no awareness, and I should’ve picked up on that.” He looks down at his lap. “But I didn’t, and I let her do that to me. I—”
I put my hand over his mouth. “Please, don’t. It’s bad enough I know she rocked your world without needing all the gory details.” My heart aches at the thought of what happened, and I can’t stop conjuring hideous images in my mind. I want to rip this girl limb from limb for touching Cooper. And the fact she shared that with him, before we’ve even gone there, hurts so Goddamned much. The pain in my chest is unlike anything I’ve felt before. I’m trying not to blame Coop, because he’s as much as a victim as I am, but I can’t help berating him in my mind. How could he be so blind and not figure out something was amiss?
“I thought she was you. I wouldn’t have let her touch me otherwise.”
He puts his head in his hands, and I run my fingers through his hair, unable to hold onto my criticism or my anger. The pain is something that will take a while to fade, but I’ll deal. For Coop’s sake. I don’t want to lash out at him. Not when I can feel how remorseful he is. How guilty and disgusted he feels. There is no doubt he regrets it and is beating himself up internally over it. That helps me keep a leash on my own anger, frustration and sadness. Right now, he needs my reassurance and I’m going to give it to him, because I will not let that bitch, whoever she is, come between us. “I know, babe. And at least you didn’t sleep with her. I’m not sure we could’ve come back from that.” The thought of some conniving bitch getting intimate with my guys makes my blood boil. “You will have to restrain me when I get a hold of her, or I won’t be responsible for my actions.”
Coop lifts his head. “I’ve never hit a woman, but I think I’d make an exception for her.” He looks like he might cry. “I feel sick at the thought of it. Honestly, I think I could puke. And she tried real hard to persuade me to fuck her.”
“But you resisted.” I touch his face. “Maybe, deep down, some part of you knew.”
He cups my face. “I want our first time to be special, so I wasn’t going to do it in the heat of the moment in the fucking woods. Originally, I was planning on booking a hotel room for tonight, but now everything’s ruined.”
He hangs his head, and I hate seeing him like this. “Coop. It’s only ruined if we let it, and as that was clearly the intention, I’m fucked if she’s going to come between us. The hotel room isn’t a good idea tonight, but there’ll be another time.” I trace my fingers across the back of his neck. “Come here. I want to hold you.”
He wraps his hands around my waist, kissing my cheek. “I’m so sorry, Alinthia. More than you could know.” He gulps. “And I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions and refusing to believe you. That’s unforgivable.”
“It’s okay. I know you’re sincere. I feel your emotion through the bond as acutely as if it’s my own.” Perhaps I should remain furious with him for not seeing the obvious. The lack of connection was a telltale giveaway, but I can’t bring myself to shout at him or push him away when he’s clearly hurting so much.
No. I’ll save my wrath for the perpetrator. So help me God, when I get a hold of that bitch.
I rest my head on Coop’s shoulder, and we hug it out for ages. And, like with Beck a little while ago, it comforts me and helps strengthen and repair the tiny cracks in our bond.
A knock at the door sometime later finally breaks us apart. “Come in!” I holler, and
the other three guys step into the room.
Dane is in front of Coop in a flash, pulling him up off the couch and hauling him in for a hug. The sight brings tears to my eyes. Dane grips Coop tight. “Don’t ever do that again. You had us freaking the fuck out.”
The conversation continues telepathically, and I look away, giving them their privacy. At times like this, it’s easy to fall for Dane. His fierce love and protection of his brothers speaks to the core of who he is. We may be at odds, and he might say deliberately hurtful things to piss me off, but I know he’s a decent guy underneath all the armor he wears.
I stand and face Maddox. “Did you find anything out from the asset?”
“We did,” Dane answers for him, releasing Coop and looking my way. “We most definitely have an impersonator on our hands, and she’s been keeping busy. Besides Coop and Jensen, she also paid a visit to Jack.”
I cross my arms over my chest. “Well, that’s just fucking great! Want to bet she was sexually intimate with him too?”
Coop winces, and I squeeze his arm. “Sorry,” I mouth.
“Eh.” Maddox looks decidedly uncomfortable. “No betting required. The asset is keeping digital recordings. She most definitely hooked up with Jack.”
“Holy crap. Kenzie is going to string me up if she finds out.”
“I think that’s the least of our worries,” Dane says, and I nod. He’s right. In the overall scheme of things, that’s only a minor blip. “Obviously, there’s an agenda here, and it could be a few things, but there’s also the possibility this shape shifter is a curse-infector and she’s deliberately targeting your friends.”
I chew on the inside of my cheek as I mull it over. “Jack was never really that much of a friend. He was Kenzie’s boyfriend, and we were friendly, but it’s not like we were overly close, so that kinda shoots your theory to pieces.”