The Secret Heir (Alinthia Series Book 2) Read online

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  I toss that unhelpful thought clear out of my head and refocus on the brooding boy across from me.

  Dane wets his lips, and the connection flares to life, humming in anticipation, like a viper waiting to strike. I wish I could squash it as easily as a fly because I’d do anything to wipe the current smug look off Dane’s face. It takes considerable willpower to keep a neutral expression on my face, but I have less control over my temper. “What, cat got your tongue?” I hiss. There is always something about the way Dane and I interact that brings my claws to the surface.

  He smirks, and I ball my hands into fists at my sides. He notices, and he eyeballs me with penetrative eyes. It’s hard to hold onto my anger when he pins that intrusive, smoldering gaze on me, but it’s a constant battle of wills between us, and I rarely back down from a challenge, so I hold my form, not letting him see he’s getting to me. When he purses his lips, he loses the grin, adopting a serious look. “Good, because we can’t afford to waste any more time. We need you to get up to speed. We can’t do this alone.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry.” My anger floats away like a cloud, replaced with the usual pang of guilt. “I know I’ve been wallowing, and it won’t happen again. I want to throw myself into this. To do what’s necessary to prepare myself.”

  He eyes me strangely, pausing considerably before replying. He drags a hand through his hair, sitting up straighter in his chair. He gulps, and when he speaks there’s a layer of indecipherable emotion underscoring his words. “I can’t pretend to understand what it’s like to lose someone you love, but I’m really sorry you lost your dad like that. It should never have happened, and I’m sorry for failing you.”

  I almost fall off my chair, and my eyes pop wide. “You think this is your fault?”

  He bobs his head. “It’s our job to protect you, and I allowed us to be blindsided that night. I should have realized it was a diversion tactic. I should have left Mad Dog with you instead of leaving you alone, especially when we were experiencing blank spots in our abilities again. Leaving you to face that alone was inexcusable.”

  I’m blown away by his admission, because it’s so unlike him to apologize or admit to any weakness. My father’s death isn’t Dane’s fault, and while we don’t always get along, I don’t want him blaming himself for something he couldn’t control. “It’s not your fault, Dane, and I don’t blame you or any of your brothers.”

  “It’s not your fault either.”

  He is quick to throw my words back at me. I look away, not able to confirm or deny that statement. It’s not an equal scenario. Just because they aren’t to blame doesn’t mean I get off scot-free. He was my father. And I’m supposed to become this supreme Godlike person, so I should have been able to protect the man who had always protected me. There is no comparison.

  The air subtly moves as Dane gets up from his desk, dropping into the seat beside me. “Alinthia, look at me.”

  Reluctantly, I look up. “I know you blame yourself. I’ve seen the look on your face every day since he died. I guess it takes one to know one, and I’ve spent more time than you can imagine analyzing my failings and the things I could’ve done differently. It’s a never-ending vicious circle, but the one thing I do know is your father loved you, in a way I’ve never experienced. When he stepped outside the door that night, he knew what he was facing. He knew he’d be no match for whatever awaited, but he didn’t care because he was going to protect you the best he could. And his sacrifice brought your abilities to the surface, and you ended the threat. If you hadn’t, then they may have killed your mom and taken you. Your father did what he did to protect you and your mother, and the last thing he’d want is to see you blaming yourself and throwing away everything you’ve worked for in the last couple months.”

  “You really believe that?” My eyes examine his carefully. Of everyone, Dane tells it exactly as it is. He won’t sugarcoat it, and he doesn’t allow emotions to rule his head.

  “I do, and you need to as well, because we can’t afford for you to sit on the sidelines anymore. The enemy is regrouping, and when they come at us next, it will be full throttle. I need to know you can tap into your abilities at will, with precision and control, because we won’t be able to defeat them without you. We could all die if you don’t get past this now.”

  He doesn’t need to sell it to me. I get it. If I could master my unique supertouch ability, become more skilled at moving things with my mind, and summon my firepower at will, it would give us considerable advantage. Plus, if I could figure out if my ability to fly at the barn was a one-off fluke or something I can tap into when needed, it would go a long way toward reassuring Dane. “I understand, and I’ll do what’s necessary. I want to play my part, and I don’t want anyone else to get hurt on my watch.”

  “On our watch,” Dane corrects, and I nod. He stands, stretching his arms up over his head and yawning. His shirt lifts a little, offering a glimpse at his toned, tan skin, and my mouth becomes suddenly dry. I guess I should be happy my hormones are returning to normal, but I’d rather it be any of the others than Dane. I still haven’t forgiven him for how he treated me the one and only time we made out. My ovaries remember the intensity of our mutual desire with affection, and my core aches at the memory, but my heart still recalls the agonizing pain of his ultimate rejection. I’ve no desire for a repeat performance unless he’s genuinely willing to embrace our bond and all it entails.

  Until then, Dane is a strict no-go area.

  If he didn’t spot my treacherous eyes zoning in on his delectable bod, I’m sure he felt the surge of lust through our connection, but, for whatever reason, he takes it easy on me, not pressing it further. I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth so I hightail it out of there before he changes his mind.

  After a delicious dinner, I take a long hot shower, get changed for bed, and then wander out in search of Beck. The connection leads me to him, and I knock lightly on his bedroom door. The door swings open a minute later, and a flustered-looking Beck stands in front of me. “I wanted to speak to you, but if now’s a bad time …”

  He steps aside. “No, it’s fine. I was just getting ready for bed.”

  I move to turn around. “It’s okay. It can wait until morning.”

  A sturdy hand encircles my wrist. “Tori, it’s fine. Come in.”

  My eyes skip around the neat, orderly room, and my lips curve into a smile. Beck’s room is exactly how I imagined it to be. The large king-size bed is perfectly made, and the blue, white, and red checkered covers look freshly washed. A massive framed picture of the solar system hangs over his bed. A row of shelves holds an array of books, all stacked in an orderly fashion. An organized desk with a lamp and chair is tucked underneath. On the other side of the room is a wide, deep shelf housing a couple of laptops, tablets, and other technical paraphernalia. A huge mural, depicting a foreign-looking landscape, takes over the rest of the wall space.

  “Wow,” I exclaim, my feet moving toward it of their own accord. “This is stunning. It’s Verron, right?” I run my hands lightly over the intricate drawing, amazed at the exquisite detail.

  “Yes. I like to have a reminder of our home planet, and I’ve painted this on the wall of every bedroom I’ve owned.”

  My eyes are out on stalks. “You painted this?”

  His cheeks flush, and my heart swoons. “Yeah. Painting is for me what cooking is for Maddox and playing the guitar is for Coop.”

  “I run or bake to relieve stress,” I admit, my eyes still glued to the amazing mural. My head whips around. “What does Dane do?”

  His brow furrows as he thinks, and he scratches the top of his head.

  When he’s really stressed, he goes out and gets laid.

  I groan. “I so didn’t need to know that, Coop.” I answer the thought he implanted in my head out loud. “And butt out, this is a private conversation.”

  “What’d he say?” Beck asks, still frowning.

  “He said Dane has sex when h
e’s stressed.”

  Beck’s cheeks inflame, and it’s unbelievably cute. I so want to know this guy’s story, but I don’t want to pry until he’s ready to tell me. “I wouldn’t know,” Beck mumbles, clearly embarrassed, “and I don’t think he’s been with that many girls, so I’d say that’s not entirely true.”

  “Anyway, enough about that,” I say, deliberately switching the subject before Beck’s cheeks turn into an incinerating fireball. “I had something I wanted to ask you.”

  Air whooshes out of his mouth in grateful relief. “Sure, what can I help you with?”

  Plonking onto his bed, I pat the space beside me. “Come sit with me.” Beck sits down, leaving a good bit of a gap between us. “Come closer.” He scoots in, blushing again. I lower my voice and soften my tone. “Do I make you nervous or uncomfortable?”

  His Adam’s apple jumps in his throat. “Sometimes, but it’s not your fault. This is what I do.” He fumbles nervously with his hands.

  “Is there anything I can do to help make you at ease?”

  He smiles up at me, and it transforms his face. His green eyes come alive, and I’m ensnared. Beck is beautiful. Inside and out, and I want to get closer to him, want to peel back the hood and understand what makes him tick. “Not really, you’re already doing it.”

  I quirk a brow. “I am?”

  He nods, and I’m contemplative for a minute. I clear my throat. “Sometimes, I’d like to hold your hand or hug you, but I’m afraid of making you uncomfortable. Is there a way we could progress to that? Because I want to feel closer to you.”

  His cheeks, predictably, turn fire-engine red. He looks away. “Damn it. I hate that I get so tongue-tied around you.”

  “Beck,” I whisper. “You can be yourself around me and I’ll never judge. I think your blushing is really cute, and it’s one of my favorite things about you, so don’t hide who you are with me. You don’t ever have to do that.”

  He tilts his head up, twisting around until our knees touch. Gingerly, he takes one of my hands in his, and this is huge. Momentous. “I appreciate that, and I want to get closer to you too, Tori. I do, but it’s not so easy for me. I have no experience of this.”

  “And that’s totally fine with me.” I rush to reassure him. “And we can take it at whatever pace you want, but I want you to know I want that closeness with you too and that you shouldn’t be afraid to touch me or tell me how you’re feeling. I’m always here for you.”

  He squeezes my hand, and that tiny gesture means a lot. “And I’d do anything for you, Tori. Anything.”

  “I know, Beck. I know you would.” I kiss his cheek quickly. His skin is so smooth, and my fingers itch to explore the contours and planes of his gorgeous face, but it’s baby steps with my Beck. I clear my throat again. “So, I wanted to ask you if we could focus our next few sessions on studying everything it says in the prophecy about my powers and my latent ability. I need to understand how I can tap into it at will.”

  He nods. “We can totally do that, but a lot of it is vague, so I’m not sure how helpful it will be.”

  “Okay, but it can’t hurt to review whatever it says, right?” He nods agreeably. “And the second thing is, I was wondering if you’ve found any cure for the curse?” The alien who infected and then possessed my friend Jack’s body had somehow managed to infect me with a curse. While that black shadowy thing hasn’t returned, I won’t relax until the guys have found a way of removing it from me.

  “I’m talking to a contact tomorrow night who says he knows a way to extract curses, so hopefully I’ll know how to remove it soon.”

  That’s the first piece of good news I’ve heard in ages. Ever since I’d found out I was curse-infected, I feel like this dark force is growing in strength inside me. Like a black hole that’s getting bigger and bigger, sweeping through my body and vanquishing all the light. Sometimes, I swear I hear a strange hissing sound at the back of my ear, and there are times I’m so afraid of my nightmares that I’m scared to fall asleep. Some of it could be psychological, but mostly it feels real, and that is freaking me out.

  None of the guys are knowledgeable about curse-infection because it’s an old method of manipulation and one that isn’t practiced much anymore. All I know is while this curse runs through my veins I’m at risk of losing myself to whatever this nefarious entity is, so finding a way to remove it is top of my agenda. Beck has been working tirelessly to find a solution, and in the meantime, he has created a serum which is helping to keep it at bay. Every morning, without fail, he administers the serum after I’ve had breakfast. His tender care helps paper over the fissures in my heart. I’d kiss him right now if I didn’t think he’d have a seizure or a coronary or something.

  “Perfect.” I hop up, stifling a yawn. “That is excellent news. I might finally be able to get a good night’s sleep. Thanks.” I peck his cheek briefly. “I’m heading to bed, and I’ll talk to you in the morning.” Leaving his room, I clamp a hand over my mouth as another yawn overtakes me.

  The overhead light is switched off when I step back inside my bedroom, and the only illumination in the vast room is the soft glow from the bedside lamp, granting me full view of the man currently warming my sheets. Coop is under the covers, lying on his side, his eyes shut and his chest rising and falling as he sleeps. I’m not unhappy to see him there, but it is a surprise. I’ve shunned their comfort at night recently, insisting on sleeping alone. While Dane refused to leave me without protection at night, Maddox and Coop are the only ones who have been staying in my room, but they’ve slept on the camp bed at my request.

  It would’ve been all too easy to accept their comfort, but I wanted to hurt myself by denying the connection, but it’s time to stop resisting what’s meant to be.

  Peeling back the covers, I slip into the warm bed, snuggling in close to the guy who seems to know what I need before I’ve even realized it myself. As I nestle into the crook of his arm, I sigh in contentment, the connection jumping around like it’s high, ecstatic at our reunion. Coopers arms close around me, and he presses a kiss to the top of my head. “Sorry, beautiful,” he murmurs in a sleep-laden voice. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. If this isn’t okay, I can sleep on the couch.”

  I snuggle in closer. “It’s okay,” I whisper. “It’s more than okay.”

  And for the first night in two weeks, I sleep soundly all night.

  Dane drives us to school the next morning, and the guys are remarkably buoyant, messing and joking and teasing one another the entire trip. To the outside world, we haven’t a damn care, which is so ironic given we’re all on edge waiting for the alien apocalypse to arrive. I’m content to lean against Maddox, soaking in the relaxing atmosphere and psyching myself up for the day ahead. Things are still tense for me in school, so I can’t say I look forward to coming here.

  Algebra is the first class of the day, so Dane walks with me to my locker, while the others head off to their respective classes. He lounges against the adjacent locker, yawning profusely, as I unload and reload my bag. “Late night?” I inquire.

  “I haven’t been sleeping great lately,” he admits.

  “Nor me.” Except when I’m with one of you and the connection is sated. Perhaps if he allowed himself to accept my comfort one of these nights, he’d find his insomnia a thing of the past. I think it, but I don’t say it for fear Dane will think it’s a come on. While their handler, Zorc, has stated we need to embrace the connection, the bond, and all that entails, for me to fully evolve as I’m supposed to, Dane has been purposely keeping his distance.

  “You don’t look tired today,” he acknowledges.

  “No, because I had the best night’s sleep last night.” I shut and lock my locker, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

  Dane automatically reaches out, taking it from me. He smirks. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s the reason why.”

  “Not that I owe you any explanation, but Cooper and I didn’t even kiss last night,” I admit. Squinting over my
shoulder, he frowns. He takes hold of my arms and moves me forward. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Why?” I ask, glancing around, immediately wishing I hadn’t.

  Jensen is at his locker, staring unhappily in my direction. My former friend, Kenzie, hangs off his arm, preening and smiling at him adorably. I feel like puking, and my breakfast churns in my gut. It’s hypocritical, I know, and it’s not that I don’t want Jensen to move on and be happy, but I’m totally pissed at how uncool Kenzie is being. She won’t give me the time of day anymore, and now she’s all over my ex. If she was really into him, I’d find it in my heart to forgive her and support them, but I get the sense it’s more the “relationship” she’s after. Kenzie likes being in a long-term relationship, and after what Jack did to her, she’s looking for someone loyal and dependable. You can’t get any more loyal or dependable than Jensen.

  My heart aches in a familiar way as I turn back around, allowing Dane to steer me away.

  I’m still in a foul mood as I step into the cafeteria at lunchtime, although I’ve been mulling over everything since the incident at the locker this morning. The situation with Jensen is another source of humongous guilt for me. He’s purposely stayed away from me, which surprised me after my father’s death, but I can’t fault him for doing whatever he needs to in order to get over the demise of our relationship.

  It still hurts though, and I miss him.

  Before he was my boyfriend, he was my best friend, and I miss our closeness. Still, I have to remind myself it’s the best way of keeping him safe and protected, and that takes precedence above any selfish need.

  “Hey, girlfriend,” Kylie greets me, pulling a chair out for me.

  “Hey. Thanks.” I plonk into the seat, setting my tray down in front of me.

  Zara stretches across the table. “Did you see that skank all over Jensen?” She shoots a filthy look in Kenzie’s direction.

  “I noticed, but he’s free to hang with whomever he wants to. I broke it off with him, and he’s a free agent.”