The Secret Heir (Alinthia Series Book 2) Read online

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  “Technically we’re assets,” Maddox supplies. “Skilled resources available to the Academy to be assigned on missions as the need arises.”

  “It’s not really the same thing, Mad Dog,” Dane confirms. He faces me, folding his arms across his chest. “There is a distinction. We grew up in the APGP, and there are only really two career paths available to trainees: Protector or asset. Naturally, we fall into the first category, but most protectors aren’t chosen from before birth, so the Academy assigns trainees to protective detail or puts them out on missions, dependent on their skillset. I’m going to ask Zorc if an asset can be assigned to watch over Jack, so we have eyes on him at all time.”

  I’m trying to process all that, figuring out which question is more important to ask first. “What’s the APGP?” I inquire.

  It could be my imagination, but a sort of dark cloud crosses over all their faces.

  “It’s the special order I mentioned to you before. The official name is the Academy for the Protection of the Galactic Prophecy,” Beck confirms, propping his butt against the arm of the couch. “And essentially the place we called home for the first twelve years of our lives.”

  “It’s where we were sent the day we fled Verron,” Cooper quietly adds. “The place we grew up in.”

  “Will I get to see it sometime?”

  “Most likely,” Dane says. “Considering the prophecy centers around you and the work of the Academy is to protect our heritage and ensure the prophecy comes to fruition.”

  “The elders will probably pass out with excitement,” Coop deadpans.

  “Who are the elders exactly?” I ask.

  “They are high-ranking officials who have been tasked with running the Academy,” Beck explains. “No one knows exactly how they are appointed, as it’s all hush-hush, but it’s a great honor to be chosen.”

  I open my mouth to ask another question, but Dane cuts me off with one of those intense looks of his. “I know you have questions, but save it for your session with Beck. Right now, we have more pressing concerns. Jack is a loose cannon, and until we have official eyes on him, we’ll have to take it in turns watching him.” His gaze dances among his brothers. “Who wants first watch?”

  They all groan, and he smirks. “Fine. I’ll take first watch, but as soon as Zorc is free to meet with me, one of you will have to replace me.”

  “I’ll fill in for you,” Maddox says with a note of resignation in his tone.

  “Thank you.” Dane chews on the corner of his mouth as he eyeballs me. “I know you understand the threat Jack poses, but this still needs to be said. You are not to go anywhere without one of us until we know what we’re dealing with. We are your perpetual shadows until we figure out what’s going down. Do you understand?”

  “I do, but I’m not totally helpless, you know.” I hate being babied, and I hate that it’s necessary because I still can’t tap into my powers at will. I hate feeling like a failure.

  “Not totally, no.” Dane is fighting to keep the smirk off his face, and I have an urge to slap him.

  It’s nothing new.

  It’s an urge I feel at least several times daily.

  I scowl at him, just short of sticking my tongue out.

  His expression turns solemn. “I mean it, Alinthia. Jack is an anomaly right now, and he wasn’t returned to himself because whoever cursed him in the first place decided to be charitable. He was returned for a purpose, one that more than likely ends up with you being taken, so you are to take zero chances with your safety. Have I made myself clear?”

  I want to tell him to fuck off, but there’s no point being stupid either. I know what he said rings true and that I’m not in a position to defend myself against whomever is behind this, so I nod. “Crystal. I’ll stick with the guys.”

  “It’s good to know you can take direction on occasion.” This time he doesn’t disguise his smirk.

  “Don’t push it, Dane.”

  “Beck, hack into the school system and rearrange all our schedules so at least one of us is in each of Alinthia’s classes.” He looks at all his brothers in turn. “Do not let her out of your sight. Not even for a second.”

  I stand. “Enough already! We all got the memo.” Briefly, I look up at the ceiling, praying for patience that’s in limited supply these days.

  Dane narrows his eyes, piercing me with a dark stare, and I plant my hands on my hips. “I know it’s coming from a good place, and I’ll do whatever you say, yada, yada, but there’s no need to go all dad-like on our asses. We understand, and we’ll take precautions. Okay?” He gives me a terse nod, preparing to leave. “One last thing.” I wet my lips, suppressing the rush of nervous butterflies in my chest. “I want to meet this Zorc. Can I come with?”


  “Why not?”

  “I’m the only one who deals with him usually. It’s cleaner that way.”

  “I think I should meet the person who has involvement in making decisions that affect me, affect all of us. Besides, I have some questions for him.”

  Dane’s chin tips up, and his forehead puckers. “What kind of questions? We can answer anything you need to know.”

  I shuffle on my feet. “Just stuff I want to ask him. It’s no big deal, but I do want to meet him.”

  Dane scrubs a hand over his jaw, pinning me with those smoldering chocolate-brown eyes while he contemplates my request. The usual fissure of attraction sparks to life between us, and I clasp my hands behind my back, willing my body to get with the program. Dane hasn’t touched me since that day in his office, although I sense staying away is as hard for him as it is for me. But I’m damned if I’m going to be the one to crack first.

  “Zorc doesn’t like surprises. Let me ask him when I’m with him, and then I can take you next time.”

  It’s a decent compromise, and nothing will be gained from arguing my point further, so I nod. “Okay. Thanks.”

  “Stay safe everyone. I’ll see you soon.” Those are his parting words before he teleports out of the room, taking a considerable chunk of the tension with him.


  There’s no point going back to school at this late hour, so I head to my room to get changed for my session with Maddox. Cooper knocks on my door as I’m lacing my sneakers. “It’s open, come in.”

  He steps into the room in his bare feet, wearing dark jeans and a figure-hugging long-sleeved white Henley which molds to his chiseled torso. Damn. Cooper is freaking gorgeous, and I’ve a sudden urge to ditch my training and persuade Coop to indulge in a different form of exercise. One that involves him, me, little to no clothing, and a bed. I shake my head, forcing my eyes from his drool-worthy abs and refocus on tying my laces. Cooper chuckles, plonking down beside me. “I love when you look at me like that.”

  “Like what?” I feign indifference.

  “Like you want to eat me alive.”

  I snicker. No point lying. “You are pretty delectable.” I grin at him, placing a hand on his impressive chest.

  He brushes hair off my face. “I can totally say the same for you.” His beautiful blue eyes glisten as he stabs me with an adoring look. “I’m crazy about you, Tori. Like, I’m literally insane. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  I circle my arms around his neck, and he grips my waist. “Aw, that’s so sweet, Coop. You say the nicest things.” I kiss him slowly and softly, sighing internally at how amazing it feels to be in his arms. His embrace extends soul-deep, and a surge of contentment floods my veins, helping to alleviate some of my ever-present anxiety.

  Times like this help reassure me, and I’m determined to get as close to the guys as possible. To strengthen the love and the bond between us so nothing can tear us apart.

  But I want it to happen naturally.

  Not to feel forced into it because it’s what Zorc expects or what’s required to strengthen my abilities.

  But … I’m concerned about the vision I had, the curse I’m infected with, and this sense that
something wicked resides inside me, and if strengthening the bond will help cement our connection, ensuring that horrid image of the future never comes true and helping to protect me from the evil lying dormant inside me, then I should be doing everything to move us into that space.

  And therein lies my dilemma.

  I can’t marry those two conflicting needs, and it troubles me.

  I don’t know what to do.

  A shadowy darkness prods at my happy bubble, as if it’s read my thoughts, but I block it out, as I’ve been doing every time I’ve felt like I’m being sucked into a murky abyss. It scares me way more than the myriad of enemy alien bounty hunters gunning for my ass. I don’t understand it, and I’m too afraid it’s connected to that horrible vision I saw to mention it to the guys.

  What if it’s not the effects of the curse?

  What if I’m not who they think I am?

  What if I am evil at my core?

  I shudder uncontrollably as the thoughts take root.

  Such thoughts keep me up at night, and I’m too scared to talk to anyone about them, so I freak out in silence, but it’s slowly destroying me inside.

  “I only speak the truth,” Coop murmurs, brushing his lips against that sensitive spot just under my ear, successfully shoving all my dark thoughts to one side. A tiny moan leaves my lips, and he pulls me into his lap. “I love those little sounds you make. It’s a major turn-on.” I feel the evidence of his arousal under my butt, and I’m sorely tempted to say screw training and take our relationship to the next level.

  “Everything about you turns me on,” I admit truthfully.

  He groans, burying his face in my shoulder. “Don’t tell me that.”

  I tip his head up, frowning at him. “Why not?”

  “I’m trying really hard to be good, but if you say stuff like that, I don’t know how long my control will last.”

  I place my lips close to his ear. “Who said I wanted you to be good?” I whisper, making my intention clear.

  His arousal hardens underneath me, and I grind against him instinctually. We both moan this time. “I’m trying to do the right thing,” he rasps. “It’s not long since you broke up with Jensen, and you’re still in mourning. The last thing you need is my horny ass demanding stuff of you.”

  I cup his face. “You never demand stuff of me, and you’re always considerate of my needs. I can’t fault you for that.” I kiss his lips once. “I want to take things to the next level. Zorc said I need to fully embrace the connection, and I know what he was implying.”

  Coop takes my wrists, gently pulling my hands away from his face. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but you should only do what you want to do, Tori. What feels right and natural. Don’t do this because you feel you have to, like it’s some duty or responsibility.”

  My lips pull into a smile, and I caress his cheek. His reply couldn’t have been any more perfect. “Being with you, with any of you, like that, is definitely not a duty. I’m drawn to all of you in a way that is natural. I want to feel close to you, and being here with all of you is the most settled I’ve felt in weeks.” Truth, even though I’ve only just moved in. I can’t deny how comfortable I am here with them—it already feels like home. And though I worry the attraction between us is a byproduct of the bond, deep down, I know there is more to it than that.

  My mind starts meandering into that confused space again, but Coop rides to the rescue, again. Taking my hand, he kisses the back of my wrist. The ink has broken through to the surface, and my pentagon tattoo is a mirror image of the guy’s tattoos. “I’m really glad you feel like that, and we feel the same. Even Dane, although you’d probably have to ply him with alcohol and drugs to get him to admit the truth, but we’re all drawn to you in the same way. Still, we can go slow. Or fast.” His grin skyrockets. “Whatever you want, I’m down with it.”

  “So, if I wanted you to strip me naked, blindfold me, and tie me up, you’d do it?”

  His cock pulses beneath my ass. “Holy fuck, Tori. You can’t say shit like that to me.” His eyes glimmer with raw lust, and I love that I affect him as much as he affects me.

  I rub my thumb back and forth across his bottom lip. “I’m not some virginal innocent, Cooper.”

  He snarls. “If you tell me you let Jensen do that to you, I’m going out right this second to punch him in the nuts.”

  I turn around in his lap, straddling him. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I peer deep into his eyes. “Relax, I haven’t done any kinky shit.” I press my mouth to his, kissing him slow and deep, before I jump up. I can’t give in to temptation, no matter how badly I want to have my wicked way with him, because I need to prioritize training with Maddox, so my hormones will have to take a backseat for now. “But I’m not opposed to it,” I toss out as I saunter toward the door.

  Coop flops on the bed, groaning. “Wait!” he hollers, and I stop dead in my tracks, whirling around. He bounces off the bed, walking toward me. “You always turn my brain to mush, but there was a reason for my visit.”

  I tilt my head to the side, smiling. “Okay. What’s up?”

  “What you said to Jack downstairs got me thinking. Everyone in school assumes we’re going out, so it wouldn’t be a big deal if you showed up to Winter Formal with me, right?”

  “Are you asking me to the dance?” My eyes pop wide.

  He closes the short gap between us, snaking his arms around my waist. “Yes, beautiful, I am. Will you go to Winter Formal with me?”

  A plethora of emotions causes my stomach to lurch unpleasantly. The dress I picked out to wear with Jensen to the Winter Formal still hangs in my closet back at the farmhouse. I couldn’t bear to bring it with me, and the thought of going to Winter Formal with a different guy has my head in a tizzy. But Coop is looking at me with so much love, anticipation, and excitement on his face that it’d almost kill me to turn him down. “Should we really be thinking about dances when we’ve got all this other stuff going on?” I softly ask.

  “It’s only one night,” Coop says. “And you said yourself we all deserve some time to have fun and let loose.” He kisses the underside of my jaw. “I want to bring you to Winter Formal as my girlfriend. I’ve never had that before.”

  “Is that what we are?” I ask

  He nuzzles my ear. “No, beautiful. We’re way more than that, but I can hardly introduce you as my soul mate, now can I?”

  Well, shit. When he puts it like that? How the hell can I say no? “Okay, I’ll go to the dance with you.”

  He picks me up, spinning us around, and I laugh.

  “Did I miss something?” Maddox asks, standing in the open doorway with a perplexed expression on his face.

  “Tori just agreed to come to Winter Formal with me.” Cooper is grinning from ear to ear as he puts my feet back down on the ground.

  “Right. Of course.” His tone is clipped as he eyeballs me, and I detect a hint of hurt behind his eyes. “If you’re done here, can we get started?”

  Shit. Did I do something wrong here? I mean, I know I agreed to go as Coop’s date, but I just assumed we’d all be going together. Doesn’t Maddox realize that? Or did he want to go with me as my date?

  All this is new to me, and I’ve just been going with the flow, rather than trying to force labels or a structure on what we have. I thought everything was moving at the right pace, but maybe I’ve read the signs wrong.

  I wave at Coop as I trail Maddox out of my room. Out in the corridor, he silently pulls me into his body, holding my head to his chest. I close my eyes in anticipation, sucking in a breath as he teleports us to the barn we use as our gym.

  He releases me immediately, stalking toward the cupboard at the far side of the space. “You guys are getting lazy with the teleporting,” I say in a light tone, deliberately trying to defuse the unspoken tension in the air. Dane had explained before that teleporting drains their abilities and it’s only supposed to be used when it’s necessary.

  “Little journ
eys around the house and town exert almost no effort. It’s only long-distance teleporting that drains us. You shouldn’t worry.” He says all this real matter-of-factly and without looking at me.

  He starts pulling mats out, positioning them on the ground. “I know we were due to start weapons training, but you’ve fallen behind a little, so let’s spend a couple of sessions going over the moves we’ve practiced, and we’ll take it from there.” He continues to lay mats out, avoiding eye contact, acting all business-like.

  Time to take the bull by the horns. “Maddox, I’m sorry if I upset you. I thought we’d all be going to the dance together even though I’m there officially as Cooper’s date.” I worry my lip between my teeth. “Everyone in school thinks I’m with him, so it’s wha—”

  He cuts me off. “It’s fine, Tori. I understand. Forget it.”

  I walk to his side, forcing his eyes to meet mine. “I just don’t want anyone in school knowing about us. At least not yet. They wouldn’t understand my feelings for all of you. It doesn’t mean anything.” I throw the mat on the ground, taking his hands in mine. “This is new for me, and I’m trying to find a way to be close to all of you without it causing any issues between you.”

  His features soften, and he presses his forehead to mine. His earthy, masculine scent swirls around me, and I sway a little on my feet. “It’s okay, Tori. You haven’t done anything wrong. Ignore me. I’m just being petty and jealous.”

  I ease back a little. “You’ve nothing to be jealous of. I care about you too.”

  “Yes, but you’ve kissed Dane and Cooper and …” He stops, barking out a laugh as he steps back, putting some distance between us. “I sound like I’m about five. I’m sorry, Tori. I’m being ridiculous.” He shakes his head, walking to the cupboard and taking the elastic bands from the shelf.

  I follow him, gripping his arms tight. “Telling me how you feel isn’t ridiculous.” The longing on his face almost undoes me. “I want to kiss you too. I’ve wanted to kiss you several times, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted that.” Maddox has been somewhat guarded with me in that regard, and, although we’ve had a few moments where we’ve almost kissed, he hasn’t made any concrete moves on me. My eyes probe his, watching as his pupils dilate, and the whites of his eyes flare with desire. “Kiss me now, Maddox. Let me show you how much you mean to me.”